Artsper conditions
Import fees and customs duties are not included in the final total of your order. On Artsper you will pay the price of the artwork as well as the shipping costs. It will be mentioned in the first step of your shopping cart if your order will be subject to customs clearance.
Please note that Artsper is not able to calculate customs fees beforehand, as these are charged directly by the shipping company once the artwork has reached the destination country.
We can, however, confirm that they are calculated on the basis of the value of the artwork as declared by the gallery and the customs office in your country.
How is customs duty calculated in Australia?
Duty rates are dependent on the commodity and country of origin and if the goods comply with any available free trade agreements or tariff concessions. On most products imported into Australia, customs duty is 5% of the value of the goods converted to Australian dollars, but this is dependent on the type of goods.
Note that if product value is less than AU$ 1000 then import is free from duty, sales and processing fee.
To determine your customs import duty rates you will need to:
- Convert the value of your purchase from the respective currency to AUD
- Calculate five percent of that amount (for import duties) and
- Calculate 10 percent of that amount (to get your GST).
NB: Artsper is not responsible for the rate applied by the customs services. The information in this article does not engage the responsibility of Artsper.